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athens olympic sports complex中文是什么意思

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  • 雅典奥林匹克体育场
  • 雅典奥林匹克体育中心


  • The olympic stadium , the centre of the olympic games 2004 , is situated at maroussi in the northern suburb of athens and it is part of the athens olympic sports complex ( oaka )
    奥林匹克体育场是2004年奥运会的主会场,坐落在雅典北部郊区的马鲁希,是雅典奥林匹克体育中心(简称oaka )的一部分。
用"athens olympic sports complex"造句  


The Olympic Athletic Center of Athens "Spiros Louis" or OACA (), is a sport facilities complex located at Marousi, northeast Athens, Greece. The complex consists of five major venues as well as other supplementary sport facilities.
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